亀井 英里
Eri Kamei
Freelance illustrator,Artist
Hello, I’m originally from Hyogo Prefecture and currently based in Tokyo.
I graduated from the Department of Design Informatics at Musashino Art University.
I began creating illustrations during my student years and have been working as a freelance illustrator ever since.
I have a deep interest in the ecology of plants and animals, as well as the history and cultures of the world.
My work focuses on capturing a natural essence while bringing a touch of dreaminess to each piece.
I’ve been involved in various projects, including book publishing, advertising, merchandise, stationery, and commercials.
In 2024, I also launched my own online shop.
- 「かわいい切り紙 切って飾るクラフトの楽しみ」㈱MdNコーポレーション 刊行
- 『手描きのパターン素材集』MdNコーポレーション 刊行
- 『小さな幸せがみつかる世界のおまじない』PIE INTERNATIONAL 刊行
- "Kawaii Kirigami" means "Cute Paper Cutting" Published by MdN Corporation
- "Tegaki no Pattern Sozaishu" means "Hand-Drawn Pattern Material Collection" Published by MdN Corporation
- "Chiisana Shiawase ga Mitsukaru Sekai no Omajinai" means "Little Happiness Found in Charms and Spells" Published by PIE INTERNATIONAL
- 「アリスン・モントクレア『ロンドン謎解き結婚相談所』シリーズ 東京創元社 刊行
- 『手描きのパターン素材集』MdNコーポレーション 刊行
- C・J・レイ『ロンドンの姉妹、思い出のパリへ行く』 東京創元社 刊行
Book Cover Illustration
- "A Sparks & Bainbridge Mystery" by Allison Montclair
Japan Edition Published by Tokyo Sogensha
"The Right Sort of Man"
"A Royal Affair"
"A Rogue’s Company"
"The Unkept Woman"
- "The Excitements" by C.J.Wray Japan Edition Published by Tokyo Sogensha
- 2014 グループ展『きのこの森展』 吉祥寺にじ画廊
- 2016 個展『Friends その日のわたしたち』Creative Space 890
- 2018 グループ展『moment 星桔梗の咲く頃に』 余白 yohaku torigoe
- 2019 澤田和香奈個展『Season on the Table』コラボレーション 鎌倉 moln
- 2020 個展『OUR WONDER TRIP』 ギャラリー・ルモンド
- 2021 ミニ個展『今日はおやすみ』光と風マーケットコート
- 2023-2025 グループ展『私の本棚』展 ひるねこBOOKS
- 2014: Group Exhibition "Mushroom Forest" | Nijigaro, Kichijoji
- 2016: Solo Exhibition "Friends:Our Days" | Creative Space 890
- 2018: Group Exhibition "Moment: When the Serbian bellflowers Bloom" | Yohaku Torigoe
- 2019: Wakana Sawada Solo Exhibition "Season on the Table" (Collaboration) | Moln, Kamakura
- 2020: Solo Exhibition "OUR WONDER TRIP" | Gallery Le Monde
- 2021: Mini Solo Exhibition "Today is my day off" | Hikari to Kaze Market Court
- 2023-2025: Group Exhibition "My Bookshelf" | Hiruneko BOOKS
モロゾフ(株)、花王(株)、(株)手紙社、(株)東京創元社、(株)婦人之友社、(株)NHK出版、(株)千趣会、(株)アクティブコーポレーション、FIGO Fabrics、Kleine Kameleon 等
Selected clients
Morozoff, Kao, Tegamisha, Tokyo Sogensha, Fujinnotomosha, NHK publishing, Sensyukai, Active Corporation, FIGO Fabrics, Kleine Kameleon